- Investigator Toolkit
- Center for Innovative Biomedical Resources
- Communication
- Faculty Profiles
- File an Invention Disclosure
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- Entrepreneurial Fellowship
- 新闻热搜榜 - huanqiu.com:2021-5-13 · 参考消息网5月13日报道法媒称,苹果正在与中国的银行和阿里巴巴探讨在中国推出苹果的移动支付系统。 据法国国际广播电台网站5月12日报道,新华社12日发布对苹果首席执行官库克的采访,库克表示,对中国推出苹果的移动支付系统“非常乐观”。
- UMB-UMCP Seed Grant Program
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- Seed Grants 2017
- Seed Grants 2016
- Seed Grants 2015
- Seed Grants 2014
- Seed Grants 2013
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- International Collaborations
- New Faculty at UMB
- Principal Investigator Quick Reference
- Proposal Writing Resources
- NIH Continuous Submission
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- Proposal Review
- Research Oversight
- Store Research Data
- UM Research HARBOR
- Clinical Trials and Corporate Contracts
- About CCT
- Directions
- Clinical Billing Analysis
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- Qualifying Clinical Trial
- Corporate Contracts
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- Clinical Research Contracts
- Confidential Disclosure Agreements
- Faculty and Staff Resources
- CCT Policies and Procedures
- Research Participant Resources
- Participant Rights
- About CCT
- Sponsored Programs Administration
- Alphabetical Index of Key Topics
- Award Management
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- Chartstring set-up
- Award Reports and Close-out
- Interim and Progress Reports
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- Final Reports and Close-out
- Changes to Project or Budget
- Budget Modifications
- No-Cost Extensions
- Faculty Transfers - Outgoing
- Tips for smoother transfers
- MPIA Requests
- Pre-award Sponsor Requests
- Record Retention
- Fiscal records
- Program records
- Discarding and destroying records
- Sponsor Payments
- Temporary Projects
- Temporary Project Policy
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- Budgets and Expenses
- Allowable Costs
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- Cost Sharing and Over Salary Cap
- Cost Sharing
- Salary Caps
- Applying a Salary Cap
- Cost Transfers
- F&A Cost Rates
- Fringe Benefits
- Guidelines by Budget Category
- Administrative Expenses
- Consultants
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- Participant Support Costs
- Personnel Costs and Stipends
- Supplies and Other Expenses
- Research Patient Care Costs
- Travel
- NIH Modular Budgets
- Collaborations and Subrecipients
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- Collaborator Roles
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- UMB Overseas Presence
- Working Abroad
- Compliance Issues
- MOUs for International Initiatives
- UMB Overseas Presence
- International subrecipients
- Proposal essentials
- Award essentials
- MPowering UMB-UMCP Affiliation
- Proposals with subrecipients
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- Subrecipient agreements
- Subaward Request
- UMB-UMBC Partnership
- Vendor or Subrecipient
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- Developing Proposals
- Gift vs. Sponsored Project
- Institutional Information for Proposals
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- Limited Submissions
- MPowering Collaborations
- Multi-PI Proposals
- NIH Multi-project Proposals
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- Research Compliance
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- Letters of Intent
- Unfunded Agreements
- Unfunded Agreement Approval
- Find Funding Opportunities
- Forms
- Research and Development Policies and Procedures
- Federal Regulations and Policies
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- SPA Business Practices
- UMB and USM Policies
- Federal Regulations and Policies
- Research Administration Training
- Research Matters
- Sponsor Notices
- SPA/SPAC update meetings
- Contact SPA
- Technology Transfer-UM Ventures
- Kuali Research
- User Access and Requests
- Address Request
- Add User Roles
- Change User Role or Unit
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- Training
- User Resources and Help
- Attachments
- Selecting a Subaward Budget Form
- Troubleshooting Adobe Forms
- NIH R-series Proposals
- NIH K Series Proposals
- NIH F-series Proposals
- Budgets
- KR High Level Budgets
- Certify or Approve
- Corporate Funded Proposals
- NIH Human Subjects Forms
- Human Subjects Decision Tree
- Proposal Entry
- Activity Types
- Key Persons
- New Faculty and Other FAQs
- NSF Science Code
- Performance Sites - Organizations
- Proposal Types
- Searches
- Validation-Errors-Warnings
- Attachments
- User Access and Requests
- Export Compliance
- Commonly Used Terms
- Export Red Flags
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- Fundamental Research
- Other Exclusions
- Procedures
- Deemed Exports
- Form I-129 Visa Petition
- International Subrecipients
- International Travel
- Traveling with Technology
- International Visitors
- Licenses and Authorizations
- Restricted Party Screening
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- U.S. Export Regulations
- UM BioPark
- Contact Us
- Office of the Vice President Staff
- Clinical Trials and Corporate Contracts Staff
- Sponsored Programs Administration Staff
- SPA Staff Assignments
- Technology Transfer-UM Ventures Staff
620 W. Lexington St.
Fourth Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
P 410-706-6723
The Office of Research and Development (ORD) is the chief administrative unit and catalyst for advancing research and economic development at UMB.
University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) is a leading academic medical research institution. In Fiscal Year 2022, the University was awarded more than $665 million in sponsored biomedical research, and each year UMB receives何必多花钱 8款高性企比千元国产手机推荐 - huanqiu.com:2021-5-31 · 红米Note4配备4100mAh大容量电池,运行基于安卓6.0版本的MIUI8系统。 红米Note4采用了5.5寸的全高清屏幕,屏幕外层覆盖有2.5D弧面玻璃。 红米Note4与红米Pro相同的CNC一体化金属机身,还采用了喷砂工艺,选用205号陶瓷喷砂,既保留了一定的金属光泽。
ORD provides high-quality services to investigators, fostering new research and clinical initiatives with industry, and commercializing breakthrough therapies, diagnostics, and devices. Using targeted investments, ORD fuels the creation of innovative start-up companies and attracts industry leaders and entrepreneurs to UMB’s thriving downtown campus.
Services to support UMB’s researchers and advance research and economic development include:
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- Technology licensing to push UMB’s most promising discoveries to market
- Business development and entrepreneurial support programs to help investigators fund their research
- Targeted economic development initiatives to encourage the location of University-created or -sponsored companies in Baltimore
- Industry partnership
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The UM BioPark
The UM BioPark, UMB’s 14-acre research park managed by ORD, draws industry-leading biotech and life science firms from around the world. Located adjacent to UMB’s campus, BioPark tenant companies are able to easily collaborate with UMB’s renowned researchers, centers of excellence, and institutes. Learn more about the BioPark at umbiopark.com.
- Funding opportunities
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- Invention disclosure
- MPowering the State
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